What will the world look like in a decade?
“Stratfor has 11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like a decade from now” by Armin Rosen, Business Insider, June 16, 2015 The private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, recently published its Decade Forecast in which it projects the next 10 years of global political and economic developments. In many ways, Stratfor thinks the world of 10 years from now will be more dangerous place, with US power waning and other... Read More
Is China’s decline permanent?
News reports are replete with China’s struggles and decline. China’s past success is frequently labeled a “Bubble” with the question – Is it bursting? Yes, China is in decline. But not just due to negative Global economic struggles. China has entrenched problems that are contributing to its decline. Are these problems intractable? Following are significant but an incomplete list of its problems: ● Manufacturing processes and systems are... Read More
Where is China Heading?
Mark Leonard’s book “What Does China Think?” presents China’s challenges and struggles with some surprising priorities its leaders have set to correct them. For the first time in China’s history its 11th five-year plan does not list economic growth as its first priority. The plan: “put people first”…“respecting the natural environment”…introduces a Scandinavian model of social welfare to eliminate its existing problems. China’s... Read More