Fixing General Motors
Even well-run manufacturing companies periodically have product quality problems. The lifeblood of a manufacturing company is controlling its costs. Quality problems increase costs and ultimately reduce sales. As such, successful chief executive officers pay attention to product quality costs and causes which are readily available in monthly financial and operating reports. Reports that the General Motors’ CEO and senior officers did not have knowledge... Read More
Warren Buffett and Corporate Governance
Coca-Cola’s $13 billion management equity compensation plan was recently assessed as excessive by Warren Buffett and investment advisors, according to a NY Times article, “Buffett Punts on Pay”. Buffett is Coca-Cola’s largest shareholder, owning 400 million shares. Apparently Mr. Buffett disagreed with the equity compensation plan, believing it to be excessive, counter to the best interests of the shareholders. Yet, he did not vote against... Read More
What Leads to Business Failure?
Donald Keough’s book “The Ten Commandments for Business Failure”is an interesting, creditable book useful to Chief Executive Officers with a company culture that needs improvement. Donald Keough is the former President of The Coca-Cola Company. The book is a short, easy read that covers all the elements of a positive culture. Some of it is self-evident. But if officers, second and third tier managers all read it, it would contribute to a re-focused... Read More