What’s wrong with General Motors?
It seems that #GeneralMotors has deteriorated and is in trouble yet again with: GM posted a decline in net income of 141% in 2018. GM registered a $4 billion net loss in 2017. GM recently announced the closure of 6 manufacturing plants. Meanwhile, Toyota actually increased net income almost 40% in 2018, and earned a net income of $17 billion in 2017. Why is #Toyota thriving? While #GM struggles? Does corporate staff dominate decision making? To... Read More
A Worthwhile Management Book
Thomas E. Ricks’ book, “The Generals”, is the history and essentially a performance evaluation of more than a dozen US Army Generals from World War II through 2012. It is not very flattering for some generals. It is a well-written management and leadership book. Although not intended to be a textbook its examples of what led to successes and failures may be helpful for civilian business managers – including members of Boards of Directors... Read More
My Leadership Excellence magazine article “Seven lessons from a turnaround CEO”
Leadership Excellence magazine published my article: “Mastering Leadership – Seven lessons from a turnaround CEO” By Robert F. Amter There are many theories about what it takes to be an effective Chief Executive Officer. Most are based on observation and research. They lack the hands-on, in the trenches experience of what it really takes to lead a company – especially one that is experiencing bad times. When I enter a company... Read More
Fixing General Motors
Even well-run manufacturing companies periodically have product quality problems. The lifeblood of a manufacturing company is controlling its costs. Quality problems increase costs and ultimately reduce sales. As such, successful chief executive officers pay attention to product quality costs and causes which are readily available in monthly financial and operating reports. Reports that the General Motors’ CEO and senior officers did not have knowledge... Read More