Mexico vs. China. Which is the Better Plant Location?
The question of whether Mexico is a better place to manufacture a product versus China seems to come up frequently. A recent Los Angeles Times article combined with my experiences in closing a USA plant and building a new plant in Shanghai are the sources for the following: Since 2000, the 3,700 Mexican Maquiladoras have declined to 3,200 with a loss of over 250,000 jobs. Most have relocated to China. These include operations of Hasbro, Sanyo... Read More
Can Manufacturing Return to the USA?
The need to move USA manufacturing operations to competitive economic climates, has been essential for a Company’s survival. This exodus to a number of foreign countries, mainly to China and Mexico, has had a negative impact on the USA – its economy, median incomes, standards of living. Today, New Balance Inc. is a rather unique exception to the migration trend. For more than twenty years, this successful Boston manufacturer of athletic... Read More